5G network for everyone
What is yallo 5G?
All yallo mobile plans are on the rewarded Sunrise 5G network with a standard maximum speed of 300 Mbit/s. 5G brings various benefits to your mobile experience:
Higher network capacity
Faster, more stable connection
Shorter response time
5G coverage in Switzerland
Sunrise started operating its first 5G antenna in Switzerland in the summer of 2018. Less than a year later, they now have the most expansive 5G network in the country. It is no coincidence that many of the locations equipped with 5G are outside densely populated areas. Sunrise is initially focusing on providing ultra-fast 5G internet service to customers who lack fiber optic connections at home or at their businesses.
Ultra-short response times
Direct access to content of your favorite apps – without any waits!
Higher speed
Download and enjoy your favorite films within a few seconds.
Expanded capacity
Parallel streaming without any loss of speed – for the entire family.